my business turns 25 today

Us ... 1999 {hubs taking the photo Andrew, Kirstie + I}

Neil Gaiman//May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you're wonderful, and don't forget to make some art -- write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. And I hope, somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself.

1999... it is hard when I think about this year. I had turned 33 {I had a 6 year old + 3 year old} and my dad was very ill.  He was one of my absolute favourite people.  I sat down with him and chatted about my thoughts of starting my own business.  He listened intently, then he looked at me with those beautiful blue eyes of his and he said that sounds like a bloody " marvellous" idea.  After that conversation I went home + registered my ABN + business name Cathy Penton Designs {my business has had some iterations but more about that later}.  That was 25 years ago today.  I lost my dad just 5 weeks after registering my business.

Over the next twelve months I am going to share with you, glimpses of that journey, a little walk down memory lane shall we say.

But first I want to celebrate this milestone with my sweet friends, my customers.  From today until I close my shop for our Summer break on the 6th of December,  I will be giving away at random, 7 {2 + 5} soldered quote charms for anyone that places an order.  Some of my absolute favourite quotes to keep or give away as a special gift.  I wouldn't be here on this journey without you so this is just a little thank you from me to you x

Us Now ... hubs, henry{andrew's son} kirstie, andrew + me

Neil Gaiman//The world always seems brighter when you've just made something that wasn't there before.